Disneyland Trip Delayed by Passport Rejection Over Game of Thrones Name

Disneyland Trip Delayed by Passport Rejection Over Game of Thrones Name

A six-year-old girl named Khaleesi Holloway recently encountered an unexpected snag in her dream trip to Disneyland. Her passport application was rejected because her name is the same as a popular Game of Thrones character, leading to a surprising trademark dispute.

Khaleesi’s mother, Lucy, shared their story with the BBC. She explained that the UK Passport Office claimed Khaleesi’s name infringed on a trademark held by Warner Brothers, the studio behind the hit series. In Game of Thrones, Emilia Clarke’s character, Daenerys Targaryen, is known as Khaleesi, which means "queen."

Lucy was stunned when she received a letter from the Passport Office saying that Khaleesi’s name was trademarked and needed approval from Warner Brothers to be used on a passport. “I was absolutely devastated. We were so looking forward to our first holiday together,” Lucy said. The news jeopardized their £2,000 trip to Disneyland Paris, which they had been eagerly anticipating.

Disneyland Trip Delayed by Passport Rejection Over Game of Thrones Name

Despite getting legal advice and proving that trademarks don’t cover personal names, the Passport Office initially insisted on a letter from Warner Brothers. Determined to fix the situation, Lucy took to social media to share their story. The response was overwhelming, and the story quickly gained traction.

With the added public pressure, the Passport Office took another look at the case. They eventually admitted their mistake and apologized for the incorrect guidance they had given. The apology came as a relief, but the stress of the situation meant Lucy had to postpone the holiday until both she and Khaleesi could secure their passports.

Through it all, young Khaleesi remains optimistic about their dream trip. She often introduces herself as "Khaleesi Holloway, Queen of Dragons," embodying the spirit of her namesake.

This unusual incident is a reminder of how popular culture can sometimes create real-world complications. Lucy and Khaleesi's story underscores the unexpected ways that our favorite shows and characters can impact our lives.

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