Donald Trump's Close Call: How a Quick Move and Joe Biden’s Call Saved His Life

Donald Trump's Close Call: How a Quick Move and Joe Biden’s Call Saved His Life
Donald Trump recently shared some dramatic details about surviving an assassination attempt and a subsequent call from President Joe Biden. The incident happened during a rally in Pennsylvania when a gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks, opened fire. Trump’s quick reaction, turning his head to glance at a jumbotron, reportedly saved his life.

1. A Call from Joe Biden
After the shocking incident, President Joe Biden reached out to Trump. Describing the call as “nice,” Trump revealed Biden's words: "You’re lucky you turned to the right.” This exchange highlighted just how close Trump came to a potentially fatal injury.

2. The Attack and Immediate Response
As shots rang out, Trump's instinctive reaction to look at the jumbotron saved him from a direct hit. Despite being wounded, he refused to be carried off stage on a stretcher. “They wanted to put me on a stretcher. And I replied, ‘I’m not going on a stretcher,’” Trump recounted.

3. Secret Service’s Swift Action
Trump described the chaotic moments following the attack, with Secret Service agents assuming he had been shot in the abdomen due to the amount of blood. Trump reassured them, saying, “I just felt it was the ear.” His refusal to leave on a stretcher led to a brief argument with the agents, who were understandably concerned for his safety.
Donald Trump's Close Call: How a Quick Move and Joe Biden’s Call Saved His Life

4. On the Mend
Trump assured everyone that his ear is “good” now and “getting much better.” He mentioned he’s down to using small bandages, though the injury was quite severe. His determination to walk off the stage unassisted highlighted his resilience.

5. JD Vance’s Experience
JD Vance, Trump’s running mate, shared his own reaction to the news. Vance was playing mini-golf with his children when he heard about the shooting. He recalled telling his kids, “We gotta get out of here. The president’s been shot.” His son’s response, asking if it was the president who was his friend, was a touching moment that underscored the personal impact of the incident.

6. JD Vance’s Experience
Vance also praised the rally attendees for their calm reaction, noting it as a “testament to the movement.” Instead of causing chaos, the crowd remained composed, showing their support for Trump even in such a tense situation.

The assassination attempt on Donald Trump and his survival is a testament to his quick thinking and determination. The call from Joe Biden, while brief, underscored the severity of the incident. As Trump continues to recover, his unwavering spirit and determination remain evident, inspiring his supporters and running mate alike.

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