Massive Defense Deal Shakes Up Romania! Elbit Systems' Game-Changing Artillery Center Unveiled!

Massive Defense Deal Shakes Up Romania! Elbit Systems' Game-Changing Artillery Center Unveiled!
In a significant development within the defense industry, Elbit Systems Ltd. and CN ROMARM S.A., in partnership with Uzina Automecanica Moreni S.A. (UAM), have unveiled a landmark cooperation agreement. This strategic alliance is poised to reshape the landscape of artillery production in Romania through the establishment of an innovative Romanian Artillery Center.

Transforming Artillery Production
The Romanian Artillery Center stands out as a pivotal development, with Elbit Systems and CN ROMARM taking the lead. This collaboration aims to strengthen the domestic industrial base, create additional employment opportunities, and establish the groundwork for sovereign artillery production in Romania. The emphasis on local participation ensures a robust foundation for the nation's defense capabilities.

Key Aspects of the Collaboration
At the core of this groundbreaking agreement is the production of Elbit Systems' cutting-edge 155mm ATMOS Advanced Mobile Howitzers. This includes the transfer of crucial know-how for manufacturing, production, assembly, and integration of the ATMOS howitzers. ROMARM and UAM will jointly function as the system integrator, with more than 50% of the total workshare.

Significantly, Moreni will play a pivotal role as a long-term local support and maintenance provider for the ATMOS Howitzers. The collaboration extends beyond these entities, with other potential Romanian companies, such as ELMET International SRL, IOR Optics Company Bucharest, Simultec SRL, and Systematic, under consideration for participation in the center of excellence.
Massive Defense Deal Shakes Up Romania! Elbit Systems' Game-Changing Artillery Center Unveiled!
Strategic Vision and Socio-Economic Impact
The success of this partnership is anticipated to resonate throughout Romania, propelled by the escalating demand for 155mm Howitzers from the Romanian military, as well as NATO and EU countries. Corneliu Vișoianu, General Manager of UAM, expressed optimism about the opportunities this collaboration presents, underscoring UAM's dedication to addressing new challenges in the region.

Udi Vered, General Manager of Elbit Systems Land, outlined the strategic vision, emphasizing the company's intention to position itself as a key supplier not only to the Romanian Land Forces but also to the entire European market.

Elbit Systems: A Global Pioneer
Elbit Systems, a high-tech defense company, has been a steadfast presence in Romania for decades. Focused on land and weapons systems, the company has played a pivotal role in the region's defense. The acquisition of two local companies, ELMET and Simultec, solidifies Elbit Systems as a major player and the largest defense exporter in Romania.

Uzina Automecanica Moreni (UAM): A Pillar of Reliability
UAM, with over 55 years of expertise in designing, manufacturing, and maintaining armored vehicles, has been designated as the National Maintenance Center for armored vehicles in Romania. Their proactive approach, including substantial investments in new technologies, positions UAM as a key player in the creation of an "Advanced Technologies Center for Mobility."

A Forward-Thinking Collaboration
The establishment of the Romanian Artillery Center marks a transformative moment for Romania's defense capabilities. With a commitment to innovation, collaboration, and technological advancements, Elbit Systems, CN ROMARM, and UAM are set to propel Romania into a prominent position in the global defense landscape. As the demand for 155mm Howitzers continues to rise, this collaboration is not only about defense but also about securing a prosperous future for Romania.

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