AERALIS Mission 001 Success: 'Phoenix' Soars as Winning Name for First Test Aircraft

AERALIS Mission 001 Success: 'Phoenix' Soars as Winning Name for First Test Aircraft

In a momentous achievement for aviation enthusiasts and aspiring young minds, AERALIS recently celebrated the success of Mission 001, a competition that engaged hundreds of young aviation enthusiasts collaborating with the RAF's Air Cadets to name the first AERALIS test aircraft. After a thrilling competition with over 800 submitted names, the judging panel, composed of senior AERALIS executives and distinguished RAF representatives, gathered to reveal the winning name that best embodied the spirit and ambition of the groundbreaking AERALIS aircraft.

The triumphant name is 'Phoenix,' symbolizing rebirth and renewal. The winner, a Cadet from Dawlish in Devon, was randomly selected from the 15 cadets who proposed the name 'Phoenix.' In recognition of his creative contribution, the lucky Cadet is set to embark on an exciting journey, including a tour of the AERALIS facility, allowing him to engage with key members of the AERALIS team and deepen his understanding of the AERALIS project and modern aircraft design and manufacture.

The celebration extends to the 14 runners-up, who will also receive noteworthy AERALIS prizes, recognizing and encouraging the talented young minds who participated in the competition.

This announcement, strategically unveiled on National STEM Day, emphasizes AERALIS' commitment to inspiring young people to pursue engineering. Over the past year, AERALIS actively engaged with the Air Cadets, participating in their National Air and Space Camp and fostering meaningful conversations with the next generation of British aerospace enthusiasts.

As Mission 001 concludes, AERALIS reaffirms its dedication to nurturing the aviation talent of tomorrow. Plans are in motion to continue working with the Air Cadets, launching further competitions to keep young minds engaged with the ever-evolving landscape of British aviation.
AERALIS Mission 001 Success: 'Phoenix' Soars as Winning Name for First Test Aircraft

Tristan Crawford, founder and CEO of AERALIS, expressed gratitude, stating, “A huge thank you to all the Air Cadets who took part in the competition and submitted names for the aircraft. The judging panel was highly impressed with the quality of names and the thought that went into them. Phoenix is a superb name for our first test aircraft, and we look forward to welcoming the winner to our facility in Bristol.”

Air Commodore Tony Keeling, Commandant of the Air Cadets, echoed this sentiment, saying, “It was amazing to have AERALIS launch Mission 001 at our National Air and Space Camp, and I’m delighted with the response to the naming competition. Over 800 Air Cadets submitted their ideas to name the first test aircraft, and I was very impressed by the broad range of names and the reasons why it should be chosen. My thanks to AERALIS for providing such an imaginative way to engage the next generation, and to our Air Cadets for their collective brilliance.”

In the backdrop of this exciting competition, the article sheds light on the Aeralis Advanced Jet Trainer (ADJ), an advanced jet trainer aircraft designed by Aeralis in the United Kingdom. This aircraft, the initial variant of a family of modular aircraft, boasts reconfigurability to cover a variety of roles, including operational training, basic jet training, aerobatics/display, and light combat.

The ADJ project, initiated in the early 2010s and publicly announced in June 2015 under the initial name of Dart, has garnered funding from various sources within Britain and internationally. In February 2021, the Rapid Capabilities Office of the Royal Air Force (RAF) awarded a three-year control for the further development of the aircraft. The RAF is currently evaluating the ADJ for various purposes, including its potential role in the Future Combat Air System (FCAS) initiative and as a potential replacement for its aging BAE Systems Hawk aircraft.

AERALIS Mission 001 stands as a testament to collaborative innovation, inspiring the aviation talent of tomorrow, and propelling the 'Phoenix' into the skies as the iconic name for the first AERALIS test aircraft.

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