In a world increasingly plagued by security threats, Yokota Air Base in western Tokyo took a proactive approach to ensure its medics are well-prepared for a crisis. Amid the backdrop of escalating drone attacks in the Middle East, Yokota recently conducted an intense training exercise designed to test the readiness and responsiveness of its medical personnel.
The exercise unfolded just one day after drones targeted American troops in the Middle East for the second consecutive day, as reported by two U.S. officials to The Associated Press. These incidents followed a string of similar drone attacks on U.S. and coalition bases in Iraq the previous week. The stark reality of these events highlights the ever-present need for military preparedness.
Yokota's training exercise was part of a comprehensive two-week readiness program that concluded on Friday. During this rigorous training, security forces were tasked with responding to reports of loud explosions near the on-base Samurai Fitness Center. What they discovered was a scenario that mimicked a real-life crisis – approximately 40 airmen sprawled on the ground, clutching cards describing blast injuries ranging from mild to fatal.
In a swift and well-coordinated response, medics categorized the casualties based on the severity of their injuries. The less critical patients were swiftly transported to a nearby sports field to await further care, while those in more serious condition were placed on stretchers and carefully loaded into ambulances bound for the base hospital.
As part of this exercise, four role-players, with simulated severe and bloody injuries, were airlifted via a UH-1 Huey helicopter. The helicopter took them on a flyover of Tokyo before landing on a ramp just east of Yokota's runway. Medics were on standby at the tarmac, ready to offload the patients from the helicopter and shuttle them to the nearby hospital.

The medevac drill had a specific purpose: to simulate what might occur if the U.S. Navy hospital at Yokosuka Naval Base, located approximately 60 miles to the southeast, were overwhelmed with casualties. Air Force Capt. Amy Goodnite, a key figure in planning the exercise and a 374th Medical Group administrator, emphasized the importance of being prepared for such scenarios.
The overall training exercise was carefully designed to assess the medics' ability to respond effectively to a crisis with a substantial number of patients needing immediate care. Capt. Goodnite underlined the collaboration between Yokota and Yokosuka as they worked together to transport mock patients to the naval hospital, ensuring a high level of care for each one.
In reality, military urgent care centers typically lack the extensive resources available in hospital emergency departments. Transport times to Japanese medical facilities may vary depending on the patient's condition, and delays can occur when local hospitals are overwhelmed with patients. As Capt. Goodnite explained, while Yokota can stabilize patients, they may need to rely on local Japanese hospitals, which must be willing to admit them.
This issue has had tragic consequences in the past. Navy veteran Andrew Hakun's tragic death in February 2021 serves as a poignant reminder. He suffered a heart attack and, despite being at Yokota's clinic, waited for hours for transportation to an off-base hospital. More than ten Japanese facilities were contacted before one agreed to admit him, as documented in his medical records.
In a world where security threats can strike at any moment, Yokota's realistic training exercise is a testament to the dedication and preparedness of its medical personnel. The experience gained from this exercise will not only serve the base but also provide valuable lessons for military readiness in an unpredictable world. As they continue to fine-tune their emergency response procedures, Yokota medics stand ready to face any challenge that may come their way, even in the face of drone attacks in the Middle East.
Land Force